Bild Spendenübergabe

Günther Seifert, CEO of Porsche Informatik, Dr. Ellen Üblagger, medical director of the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg, and Bernhard Auinger, chairman of the Porsche Holding Salzburg works council.

24. Apr
Porsche Informatik donates a total of 7,500.00 Euro

An office furniture flea market raised 7,500.00 Euro; 3,750.00 Euro went to the Kinderkrebshilfe Salzburg and the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg respectively.

Last autumn, Porsche Informatik moved from Bergheim to its new building by the Porsche Holding Salzburg corporate headquarters in Louise-Piëch-Straße 9. In the course of the relocation, we held a flea market where employees had the opportunity to buy office equipment from their former offices. Many desks, swivel chairs and cupboards found new owners, raising a total of 7,500.00 Euro by the end of the day, benefiting the Kinderkrebshilfe Salzburg and the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg.

Non-profit and charitable organisations, schools, kindergartens and volunteer fire brigades were invited to select and take furniture at no charge. The idea was put forward by members of Porsche Informatik who also volunteered for the sale in their free time.

At the beginning of April, the donations were handed over by the CEO Mag. Günther Seifert and Bernhard Auinger, chairman of the Porsche Holding Salzburg works council. Heidi Janik, chairlady of the Kinderkrebshilfe Salzburg and Dr. Ellen Üblagger, medical director of the Raphael Hospiz Salzburg, expressed their gratitude for the contributions.

Barbara Klein

is responsible for communications and social media at Porsche Informatik. Even after almost two decades with the company, she enjoys learning something new every day.