Girls' Day bei Porsche Informatik 2016

Girls’ Day bei Porsche Informatik

28. Apr
Girls’ Day at Porsche Informatik

On 28th April, Porsche Informatik first opened its office doors for the Girls’ Day. On this cross-border event day, girls from 10 to 16 years of age had the opportunity to accompany their parents to work and even to experience a full day of work in a company.

After a relaxed meet and great session, the fourteen participants gained their first insights into the tasks and responsibilities of Porsche Informatik as an exceptional IT service provider in the automotive sector. From software development to product and process consulting to data centre operation, there are a multitude of varied fields of activity and job profiles.

The students gained a more accurate picture of what exactly these are like and what is involved. Staff from various areas of the company were happy to act as mentors, taking the students to their workplaces, where they could not only watch, but also actively participate.

In the service desk, the central point of contact for support, the first queries were already waiting for the students, who successfully handled them with their mentors. In a department meeting the girls experienced everyday business discussions, and in the Communications department they learnt how the new website is taking shape. A special highlight awaited the students in the software development department. They had the opportunity to develop their own digital memory game. The students were particularly delighted to see that pressing a few buttons could cause visible changes and produce tangible results before their eyes.

Taking home numerous new impressions and information with them, the day behind the scenes of Porsche Informatik passed all too quickly for all involved.

Barbara Klein

is responsible for communications and social media at Porsche Informatik. Even after almost two decades with the company, she enjoys learning something new every day.