Stephan Stadlmair im Büro

7. Feb
Exciting, challenging and interdisciplinary Traineeship at Porsche Informatik

Stephan Stadlmair has been an International Management Trainee since September 2017. What does he make of IT at Porsche Holding Salzburg? “The most exciting job ever!” Here he reports on his diverse tasks and experiences with us at Porsche Informatik.

Stephan Stadlmair

The International Management Traineeship is an 18-month training programme, which involves the trainee spending time in various company divisions. The programme currently has three different focus areas: sales, finance and IT. It is divided into three placements, which are predefined for IT trainees: Porsche Informatik, Porsche Bank IT&O and IT Wholesale.

I had the idea to undertake this training programme during my previous internships with Porsche Informatik. This desire became stronger during my semester abroad in America, so I subsequently entered into the application process. On 11 September 2017, I was then able to join the programme as one of three IT trainees.

Porsche Informatik is my first and current placement. I am working with Roland Luger in the Account and Portfolio Management department. And just like before, I have received a very warm welcome here at Porsche Informatik. Together we have planned my first task for my time in this trainee placement: preparation of an implementation concept for the Porsche Informatik Smart Mobility Solution in the markets of Porsche Holding. Close attention will be paid in this to optimizing the rollout process.

Stephan Stadlmair mit Günther RichterExciting cross-departmental assignments

The work is particularly interesting, because it is an interdisciplinary task involving various products, companies and divisions of Porsche Holding and its partner countries. Therefore the topic scores a direct hit at the focal point of the traineeship. However, this work was soon supplemented with other diverse tasks: Since the training programme involves directly supporting your manager, exciting and challenging problems constantly crop up, which then need to be processed. For the subject matter within a trainee placement is far from fixed and can be varied in consultation with the respective Manager.

On commencing my primary task, I first needed to gain an overview of the procedure for a rollout. I was able to obtain information from colleagues in all in-house departments and to develop ideas with them. One side effect was that I gained an insight into the wealth of issues that are currently being addressed at Porsche Informatik.

In preparation for implementation, I have so far completed two project management training courses to become familiar with all the relevant Porsche Informatik processes. In addition, I have attended training sessions at a car dealership, where I saw how the sales and service processes there are supported by solutions from Porsche Informatik. My definite highlight so far was taking part in rollouts of the CROSS 2 dealer management system in German dealerships over several days. There I really learned a lot about the actual challenges faced during the course of a rollout.

Stephan StadlmairNetworking with other trainees

Parallel to work at Porsche Informatik, the Porsche Holding Human Resource department offers us trainees plenty of opportunities for networking. For example, at a get-together for the IT trainees, we were also able to exchange views and ideas with the technical and managerial staff of Porsche Informatik, the IT departments of Porsche Bank and Wholesale.

The next exciting steps in the training programme are the first trainee module for further personal development, organised by the Human Resources department, and the move to my second placement at Porsche Bank IT&O.

I can only recommend the programme because, with its challenging tasks and support from the Human Resource department, it prepares you optimally for the time after the programme. Furthermore, networking with the trainees in the other focus areas provides you with interesting insights into the other Group divisions. There is always a healthy emphasis on fun, and I am already looking forward to the upcoming tasks.

Barbara Klein

is responsible for communications and social media at Porsche Informatik. Even after almost two decades with the company, she enjoys learning something new every day.