Girls' Day 2017

Girls’ Day 2017

8. May
Girls’ Day 2017 at Porsche Informatik in Salzburg On 27th April 2017, Porsche Informatik for the second time opened its office doors for Girls’ Day.

Girls’ Day is a cross-border event day of the EuRegio Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein, on which companies, government offices and secondary schools offer young girls an insight into a variety of professions and training opportunities. Especially classic male domains such as technology, science and manual trades seek more young female talent here.

Interested girls from 10 to 16 years of age had the opportunity to accompany their parents to work and to experience a full day of work in a participating company. In 2016, Porsche Informatik first participated in Girls’ Day, which was a resounding success. Therefore we were delighted to take part again this year.

For a whole day, we presented our company and jobs to 10 girls. We wanted to show the students how exciting IT can be and to generally enthuse the girls more for technical jobs.
The program was varied: from lively presentation of the development process using the example of a paper aeroplane to small coding tasks and even diving into a virtual world using a VR headset and headphones.

At lunchtime, councillor Martina Berthold dropped in. She spoke of her own background and encouraged the girls to thoroughly inform themselves about various job types to broaden the horizons of their professional futures.

At the end of the day, the girls awarded the most “likes” to the reports of the mentors about their personal career paths in the IT sector and their roles and tasks at Porsche Informatik. This once again showed us how important it is for young girls to come into contact with female role models.

The day with our young guests was great fun and we are already looking forward to Girls’ Day 2018.

Barbara Klein

is responsible for communications and social media at Porsche Informatik. Even after almost two decades with the company, she enjoys learning something new every day.