As a subsidiary of Porsche Holding, we have a considerable reputation to live up to. Our Vision: To develop software solutions that lead the way to the mobility of the future. Our Principle: Automotive industry specialization.
The Result: Smart, effective, sustainable solutions through in-depth automotive business knowledge.

The POI France mission

POI France within Porsche Informatik

We are a “deployment hub” of Porsche Informatik. Being local, being French, understanding the French customers’ and dealers’ needs and delivering services in order to increase the VW Group dealers business in France – that is our mission.
At Porsche Informatik Salzburg, we benefit from more than 50 years of experience, always and exclusively building software for the VW Group automotive trade business. Being part of VW AG since 2012, the strategic alignment of business- and digital development strengthens our French strategic punch even more.

Starting from scratch

A group of hand-selected, highly experienced people thoroughly analyzed the situation of CROSS and other Dealer Management Systems (DMS) in France and together with experts of Porsche Informatik and VW Group identified the challenges. The result was clear: real digital transformation of the VW Group business requires an organization that supports the business model change with enthusiastic experts. These people will represent POI France, starting by January 1st, 2019 as a completely new local provider for automotive mobility solutions.

Professional CROSS implementation

As the digital solutions are proven worldwide and VW AG aligned, our aim is clear: POI France will enable customers, single users and the dealers’ management to gain maximum benefit from performing their business. Absolute customer orientation, automotive retail excellence and operational reliability are mandatory for each consultant and in every CROSS rollout project or add-on implementation. Long-term dealers’ satisfaction can only be achieved by gaining mutual business benefit. This is the purpose of all POI France consulting services: understanding the dealers’ individual processes of performing their customer business to

  • perform all necessary change management steps
  • customize CROSS to individual needs
  • train employees to use the new features of CROSS successfully, and
  • ensure post-go-live support and ongoing consulting services to gain long-term benefits.
Our long-term perspective

Implementing a new Dealer Management System is like open-heart surgery for the dealer. But once CROSS has been chosen, long-term benefits will arise due to

  • professionalism in the CROSS implementation
  • professional support and application management services for the DMS: CROSS is operated in a highly secured data center at Porsche Informatik Salzburg, and ongoing maintenance and new software releases are provided continually
  • enrichments with new software modules to enhance digital customer experience in alignment with VWF and VW AG will be offered consequently, including deep process integration into CROSS.

The following modules are available for individual enrichment of CROSS and FICO to a real digital ecosystem:

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